LOCAL               CORNER!

Welcome to the silly zone

Hai! This site is very work in progress, and I have no previous experience, so things may take me a while :3 (heads up: the navigation links currently don't lead to anything... but they bounce when you hover!)

What is the backstory behind this site??

Well, I impulsively decided I wanted to make a website despite having no prior knowledge in coding. But I always thought neocities was cool- the whole idea of having your own space to share your stuff. I'm also an artist, so I wanted a place to share my artwork and characters! I don't have many socials, and don't think I ever will. I think this is a better option. But again- I barely know any coding (should probably do more practice tbh), so things will be in development for a long time. I am also a student with lots of things to do. Nonetheless, I will keep working to make this page come to life!

Feel free to leave a comment here! :D

Here's some of my favorite Pokemon!
Click for info on them :]